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How Far Away Is It - 17 - Credits and Research Topics (1080p)

Published on 30 Sep 2020 / In Science

Text at http://howfarawayisit.com/documents/

This is the "Credits and Research Topics" segment of the "How Far Away Is It" video book.

It is a video book of Hubble and other Space and ground based Telescope pictures together with an illustrated explanation of how we know how far away these objects are - from your back yard to the most distant galaxies.

See how:
Triangulation can take us across the globe
Parallax can take us across the solar system
Standard candles can take us across the Milky Way
Red-shift can take us across the universe.

The video book contains three chapters: The Solar System; The Milky Way; and Galaxies.

A Distance Ladder foundation is built in segments 2 (The Earth) through 6 (Distant Stars).

The amazing celestial object photography begins with segment 7 ( Planetary Nebula). Many viewers may want to start there. Students, new to Astronomy, should start from the beginning.

There is also a preface and a segment on credits with websites identified that can be used for further research by interested viewers.

This material is suitable for home schooling, eighth grade science classes, and high school science classes as well as junior college and lower division college science classes for non-science majors.


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