White Man You Must Die feat. Dankula's Pug

Published on 30 Sep 2020 / In News & Politics

I used the same video that got Count Dankula charged & convicted but I replaced Hitler with the song "Shoot the Boer" - which is sung by government leaders as well as the non-white citizenry in Post-Apartheid South Africa.

I did this because Dank's video was OBVIOUSLY MAKING FUN OF NAZIS, and you have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that is was 'hate speech'.
Not to mention that we shouldn't have 'hate speech' laws in the first place!!! Since South Africa is currently waging its own extermination campaign against a race of people I thought this would be an appropriate choice to replace the Nazis in the video.

For a hilarious and on point take down of the Court system that convicted Count Dankula for a pug video that mocked Hitler see Jonathan Pie's routine here (words can't describe how great it is): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti2bVS40cz0

That they found Dankula guilty in this case should enrage everyone. We cannot have people going to jail because authoritarians and bullies willfully misunderstand jokes.

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